In the quest for success there are several obstacles you must overcome in order to do what you want, be who you want and reach where you want to be.
These obstacles will not give way unless you fight and defeat them.
I categorize these obstacles into two categories:
1. Internal Obstacles or Self Impose Obstacles.
2. External Obstacles or Environmental Obstacles.
If you overcome the internal obstacle, you will be able to overcome the external obstacle.
No. 1. Failure To Have Strong Will.
Let's take the word "Strong". This word mean to be very firmly and not easily broken.
Now the word "Will" means the ability to control your thoughts and actions in order to achieve what you want to do. Also, a feeling of strong determination to do what you want to do.
Your failure to firmly and seriously stick to what you belief or to continue to do what you want, will not allow you to be successful.
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